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Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 539, Sep 2023
The Desert Locust situation was calm during August. A few small immature swarms migrated from Eritrea in the first days of the month to the highlands of northeast Tigray in Ethiopia and continued to the lowland areas of the Rift Valley where there were control operations. In Yemen, a few immature groups and swarms were seen in the interior, a few adult groups and hatching were in Sudan, and a few adults in Egypt while Oman had adults, a group, and laying. In the northern Sahel of West Africa, a few hoppers and adults were present in Mauritania while adults were in Niger. There were a few adults in Morocco and Algeria. Scattered locusts were seen on the border of Indo-Pakistan and hoppers occurred in Rajasthan, India. During the forecast, above-normal rains and small breeding are expected to continue in the northern Sahel from Mauritania to western Eritrea until about November which is longer than normal this year. Good rains are likely to occur during the winter season where breeding will start earlier than normal this year in October in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden coast from Sudan to northwest Somalia and from Saudi Arabia to Yemen. In the Indo-Pakistan area, below-normal rains are expected, and the southwest monsoon should withdraw by the end of September.
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DLIS - 06, Sep 2023