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The Commission for Controlling
the Desert Locust in the Central Region
All approaches developed under EMPRES /CR are designed to support and strengthen the national and regional early detection and early intervention capacities in order to prevent outbreaks from developing into an upsurge or even plague. They have been jointly developed in participatory EMPRES Liaison Officers Meetings. The involvement of the member countries substantially strengthened the ownership spirit. As a result, EMPRES/CR has made satisfactory progress towards achieving its targets in almost all its aspects and components. But close follow-up and backstopping will still be needed in the future, particularly concerning the promotion of new and more advanced technologies of early detection and environmentally safer control.
Contact us
11 El Eslah El Zeraist., Dokki - Cairo, Egypt
P.O. Box 2223 Dokki- Cairo, Egypt
+202 33316000 ext. (2516)
+202 3761 6804