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98 Training courses and workshops 1200 Locust/PPD Officers in non-front Line Countries 200 Locust/PPD Officers in front Line Countries 77 Specialists/Pilots in aerial Spray 75 Experts in sprayers maintenance 43 Desert Locust Diploma graduates 10 Desert Locust Master Degrees graduates 15 Desert Locust Information Officers

Member countries

Desert Locust News

08 Jul 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 549, July 2024
Summer Rains Started

03 Jun 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 548, Jun. 2024
All Outbreaks Ended

21 May 2024 Operational-scale field trial of using Metarhizium acridum
First Operational-scale field trial of the entomopathogen Metarhizium acridum (NOVACRID ) against Locust in Oman (May 2024)

02 May 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin No. 547, May 2024
Outbreaks Decreased

03 Apr 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin No. 546, Apr 2024
Hopper Bands Decline

04 Mar 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 545, Mar. 2024
Second Generation Breeding

09 Feb 2024 Desert Locust Bulletin, No. 544, Feb 2024

Upcoming Events

Locust Pesticides Management System ....
01 Sep 2024 The Commission for Controlling Desert Locust in the Central Region in cooperation with The .... Details

CRC 33 Session and 37 Executive Committee ....
24 Nov 2024 The Commission for Controlling Desert Locust in the Central Region in cooperation with The M .... Details

Recent Events

DRONES for Locust Control
"10 Mar 2024"
The Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region (CRC), in cooperation with The Commission for Controlling t ... Details

Media Centre

Alarm over Desert Locusts increases in Horn of Africa

Contact us
11 El Eslah El Zeraist., Dokki - Cairo, Egypt
P.O. Box 2223 Dokki- Cairo, Egypt
+202 33316000 ext. (2516)
+202 3761 6804